Happy Mother’s Day!

My Husband awoke and took the girls downstairs, even though he has been suffering incredibly recently with his deteriorating condition, leaving me to lay in bed for a bit. Ah bliss. The sun was shining through the curtains, warming the room nicely.

I thought about Jade Goody, who sadly lost her battle against cancer this time last year, and her two beautiful boys Bobby and Freddie. I thought about how lucky I am to have my girls and our health.

Garry brought me up a lovely cup of tea in bed – and a round of toast (that’s Garry’s two slices, and us Norfolk folk’s 1 slice! Here it is two slices though)


When I went downstairs I was presented with a lovely box of Cadbury’s Roses and some cards! And here they are..

IMG_2459The envelope IMG_2458The card from the Girls
A picture by Katie for Mummy
Elizabeth's card for Mummy


And my card from Daddy…


We had a wonderful morning together, then we went to my Mother’s house for home-made Chinese food buffet-style! Both my grandmothers were there too! Lots of Mothers under one roof!! It was a lovely day. Thank you everyone xx


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